Los artículos promocionales son la forma de publicidad más expansiva, económica y efectiva.

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lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014


"Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting."
 Joyce Meyer

During my business career I've often heard people comment - 'what's taking so long!'  Today, as I waited patiently for a friend's help to plan an event, I realized it wasn't about them, it was about me.  The feelings I had were a reflection of my attitude about having to wait.

In our industry, we wait for so much: a return phone call, email, quote, customer feedback, but, we can choose our attitude through the waiting process.  

This week, I'm going to try harder to avoid being impatient and allow others I trust to respond accordingly.  I will also do my best to communicate to those who are waiting for me, so that I meet their expectations, and gain their trust.

Enjoy your Monday, and if you are inspired...pass it on.

(courtesy from Roni S Wright, Vice President, The Book Co. one of my reliable and great suppliers)